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Internal Transfer

Moving Domains to Another User

Transfer from one account to another is just like an inbound transfer, described here

To summarize the procedure, let's say Alice is the current domain creator (owner of the account where the domain belongs), and Bob is the desired new creator (another account).

Alice needs to perform the following steps:

  • Unlock the domain
  • Obtain the AUTH-ID (authorization code)
  • Provide the AUTH-ID to Bob, the desired new owner of the domain

Bob should initiate a domain transfer at by doing the following:

  • Start the gaining transfer process, as described here

What happens next?

  • FOA (Form of Authorization) emails will be sent to the current owner and admin of the domain
  • The current owner or admin must acknowledge the FOA, otherwise the transfer fails
  • A losing transfer FOA is sent to the current owner and admin
  • The current owner and admin have the option to deny or acknowledge the losing transfer. If no objection is raised within 5 days, the transfer is performed. If both, the owner and admin, acknowledge it, the transfer is finished immediately
  • The domain's creator will be changed
  • The owner/admin/billing/tech details will be updated according to the transfer order
  • The old owner will be informed about the completed COR process in accordance with ICANN policy

Reseller Feature: Moving Domains Between Your Own Accounts

If you have multiple Reseller accounts at and want to transfer domains between them, you can do so by granting an Assignment (Creator) role. Detailed instructions on how to perform this action can be found by clicking HERE.


In case you have lost the login credentials for one of your accounts and are unable to retrieve your domains, please follow these instructions.