Dynamic DNS (DynDNS)
Dynamic DNS (DynDNS) is a system that allows the domain name data held in a nameserver to be updated in real-time. The most common use for this is in allowing an Internet domain name to be assigned to a computer with a varying (dynamic) IP address.
This makes it possible for other sites on the Internet to establish connections to the computer without needing to track the IP address themselves. A common use for it is running server software on a computer that has a dynamic IP address, as usually happens with many consumer Internet service providers.
To use Dynamic DNS records with Joker.com, you have to create at least one Dynamic DNS record.
Additionally, the Dynamic DNS feature has to be activated.
This can be done by visiting DNS configuration section by clicking the "DNS" button next to your domain on your dashboard.
After this, you have to configure your (DSL-) router or your Dynamic DNS software on your computer. You should select "dyndns2" as protocol in your router or dyndns-client.
Currently, there is a limit of 20 records per domain. The nameserver records have a TTL (time to live - defines the latency before changes become visible) of 60 seconds.
Please note: The "username" and "password" referred to in this section are not identical to your standard Joker.com credentials. Instead, when you create your DynDNS entry, you will be provided with special credentials which are only valid for those entries with the specific domain.
Hardware Devices / Routers
A hardware device like a DSL router often is able to handle Dynamic DNS itself. As an example, this is the corresponding section of a Fritz!Box DSL router:
Update-URL: https://svc.joker.com/nic/update?username=<username>&password=<pass>&myip=<ipaddr>&hostname=<domain>
Domain name: <enter your Joker.com Dynamic DNS record (Domain name) here>
Username: <enter the username you got at Joker.com's DNS management for this domain>
Password: <enter the password you got at Joker.com's DNS management for this domain>
Note: SSL is not supported by all devices, especially olders ones need to use: http://svc.joker.com/nic/update?...
Please note: The parameter 'myip' is optional; if not provided, the originating IP address is used automatically.
Update-URL: https://svc.joker.com/nic/update?username=<username>&password=<pass>&myip=<ipaddr>&hostname=<domain>
Domain name: www.yourdomain.com
Username: 156ba6fa7f93bfd7
Password: 5bc123a7100ef6a2
Or using as direct URL:
Update-URL: https://svc.joker.com/nic/update?username=156ba6fa7f93bfd7&password=5bc123a7100ef6a2&hostname=www.yourdomain.com
Software Clients
A simple and popular free DynDNS updater for Windows is ddclient. The installation creates a section "ddclient" in the Windows start menu.
After the installation - during which you might enter any data - please copy the following text as "ddclient.conf" into the directory where "ddclient" was installed. In the windows start menu you can also use the entry "Open ddclient.conf in notepad" by right-clicking on "Run as administrator".
Please replace the placeholders with your entries beforehand:
# ddclient.conf
USERNAME = the DynDNS-"Username" in the DynDNS-section at Joker.com
PASSWORD = the DynDNS-"Password"
YOUR.DOMAIN.COM = Your desired hostname - which you should have previously created under "DynA" in the DynDNS section on Joker.com. When creating, there you may enter any IP like "". You will later know whether your DynDNS client is working or not by checking if this IP changes to your dynamic one.
In this example above you would create the entry "www" under "DynA" for your domain "yourdomain.com".
After you have created the file ddclient.conf or copied it into the program directory, call the entry "start ddclient console" in the Windows start menu. A window will open and after a short time, you should see messages indicating a successful IP change. Otherwise, please check whether your details (username, password, host or domain name) are correct, and also whether the URL for determining your own IP works for you in the browser (".../checkip/").
If this test was successful, you can close the window and then call "start ddclient service" in the start menu with administrator rights (right mouse button, "run as administrator").
This will run ddclient in the background.
Another common Windows client is the "DynDNS Updater" from Kana Solution. A suitable profile can be downloaded here: kana_joker.profile
Free DynDNS-client für Linux: ddclient - ddclient.sf.net
Hints for ddclient:
- please use the config file ddclient.conf for the windows version provided above, it works the same
- protocol is also "dyndns2"
- please check on the Linux commandline, that you have access to the DynDNS service:
- wget https://svc.joker.com/nic/checkip
Apple MacOS
Free DynDNS-Client for MacOS: ddclient (s. Windows & Linux) Installation preferably via HomeBrew:
- open Mac Terminal App
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
- If you are asked for a password, enter the password of your user account
brew install ddclient
A paid dynamic DNS client for MacOS with native Joker.com support is "IP Monitor" from Appquarter.com
It is also available from the Mac Appstore.