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Other Requests



Domain name      
Exactly one of those must be specified. Only objects registered with may be queried.
contact Contact handle
host Nameserver


Information about specified object (similar to whois), in format "key: value".

This request is deprecated - please use ' query-whois' instead.



Domain name Exactly one of those must be specified. Only objects registered with may be queried.
contact Contact handle
host Nameserver


Information about specified object (similar to whois), in the format "key: value".

The difference to the query-object request is, that this request reflects actual (live) data in database, while query-object may show data which not yet up-to-date.


Lists all domains and owner emails of domains from your portfolio which are pending whois (email) verification.

For Whois validation, the email address of the owner contact of a newly created, transfered or modifed gTLD has to be verified.This verification is done by sending an email to the owner contact, which contains a unique key in a link. When this link is clicked, the related email address is set to "validated".

 For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.

Requires: Nothing





email address of the domain owner which is pending verification
domain-name domain name where email is the owner
verification deadline, i.e. if by this date and time (specified in standard ISO format) email is not positively verified, the domain name listed may be deactivated


Returns email verification status and the associated domain for provided verification key (whois verification, email validation).If there is more than one domain using the email address to be verified, output will have one line per domain. 

For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation. 


key Verification key sent to owner by verification email




is 'verification', if 'key' is a valid verification key
email email address 'key' has been sent to
domain related domain



Triggers a new email verification. In case the original verification email got lost or did not succeed otherwise, this request will send a new email. The original key will be automatically included.

This request returns special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the validation request has been sent successfully, or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. if the email address is not in "verification pending" status, or already verified (whois verification, email validation).

 For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.


email   Email address to send validation request to. This must be domain owner's email address.


Result: ACK    validation request has been sent
Result: NACK   no validation request has been sent for this email



Set an email address to 'validated' by using the correct key, and voting with 'yes'.

This request returns a special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the verification has been accepted or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. in case the key is not correct (whois verification, email validation).

This is usefull e.g. in case you want to implement your own indivídual landing page for your customers. The URL for this landing page can be set in's 'Reseller Settings'.

For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.


key      Verification key sent to owner by verification email
answer Answer to verification request - "yes" or "no"

If the answer is "yes", the verification status is set to "verified" and email is confirmed as valid, if the answer is "no", then verification status is set to "invalid". If there is no answer before verification deadline (normally 15 days), the status is also set to "invalid".


Result: ACK    validation request has been successful
Result: NACK   validation request has been rejected or failed


This request adds a subscription to Whois Privacy Services to an existing domain name.

A summary of all privacy related DMAPI commands is also available at DMAPI Whois Privacy Services.

 Requires (mandatory):

domain domain name to order privacy service for



Accepts (optional):

period renewal period in months (not in years!)


the wanted expiration year (e.g. '2016')

"expyear" is a safety option which can be used instead of "period" to order privacy until the specified year (not longer).

If you use "period", and by mistake send the request more than once, the order would be executed again, while with "expyear", it will not be renewed if it's expiration year is greater or equals to the specified one.

Only one of "period" or "expyear" may be used, but not both.

 If neither period nor expyear is provided, then privacy is ordered for the remaining domain lifetime, whatever it is.

 Important: Please note that registration period is in months, not years! In most cases, this number is a multiple of 12.


This would order privacy service "pro" for the same period as the current term of the domain "".


Authorizes a 'Change of Registrant' (COR) according to the ICANN IRTP-C policy as of 2016-12-01.

Please find the full documentation of the process at here, the original ICANN policy is available here.

 This request can be used if you did not setup a verification 'push' URL with our provided module (see link above), or you want to use the standard email procedure.

 This request returns special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the authorization request has been sent successfully, or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. if the key sent does not match the transaction.


key     authorization key (provided in COR confirmation request)
answer answer to confirm the COR - "yes" or "no"

If the answer is "yes", the change-of-registrant will be executed, if in case of "no", it will be rejected. Please also note the new flag 'lock-opt-out' in 'domain-owner-change' if you do not want to lock the domain after the COR for 60 days.

Result: ACK    authorization key has been accepted
Result: NACK   authorization key has not been accepted

 Sample:<authorization key sent by>&answer=yes&auth-sid=<your-current-session-id>



List of domain prices per action and year (separated by tab) in the currency of the reseller account. The prices already include the reseller discount and also vat if it applies.




type One of current, upcoming or all current
currency Currency to list prices in (USD, EUR etc) Account currency
country Country id for VAT calculation (DE, US etc) Account country


List of promos with prices, current (active), upcoming or both, example response:

Status-Code: 1000
Status-Text: OK
SvTrId: 01db520b6683da6ae6a40ad503527bd8
Tracking-Id: 01db520b6683da6ae6a40ad503527bd8
Separator: TAB
Columns: type,operation,tld,currency,vat,price,standard_price,retail_price,min_period,max_period,period_type,valid_from,valid_to

domain	create	art	EUR	0.19	1.9	20.01	33.35	1	1	flex	2024-12-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	blog	EUR	0.19	3.72	19.66	32.77	1	1	flex	2024-12-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	com	EUR	0.19	12.36	10.16	16.93	1	1	flex	2024-11-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	eu	EUR	0.19	3.25	4.46	7.44	1	1	flex	2024-11-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	fun	EUR	0.19	1.91	25.01	41.68	1	1	exact	2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	fun	EUR	0.19	10.0	50.02	83.36	2	2	exact	2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
domain	create	fun	EUR	0.19	18.1	75.03	125.05	3	3	exact	2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z	2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z

Values are TAB-separated, columns are:

type Object type (currently domain but in the future it might be other kind of service).
operation The kind of operation that the promo applies to (create, renew, transfer).
tld The TLD that the promo price applies to.
currency Price's currency (matches currency parameter).
vat VAT rate (example: 0.19 means 19%); 0 if not applicable.
price Netto price per year when promo is active.
standard_price Netto standard price per year, i.e. the regular price when promo is not active.
retail_price Netto retail price per year, i.e. the price without reseller's discount when promo is not active.
min_period Minimum number of years (create/renew/transfer) that the promo price could be applied to.
max_period Maximum number of years (create/renew/transfer) that the promo price could be applied to.

One of exact or flex.


flex means that the promo price is valid for any number of years between min_period and max_period. In this case the price is per year, i.e. will be applied for every year of registration.


exact means that promo price is valid exactly for the period specified by min_period, in such cases max_period will be equivalent to min_period, and the price is for the number of years specified in min_period.

valid_from Promo start date & time (ISO format). Promo price is not valid before this date.
valid_to Promo end date & time (ISO format) Promo price is not valid after this date.

All prices are netto (without VAT).

When period_type is flex, the price is per year, i.e. when you create/renew/transfer domain for more than one year the named price will be charged for every year.

When period_type is exact, the price is applied to the number of years specified in min_period, i.e. total price for the whole period. Please pay attention in such cases, as there may be multiple rows with same TLD for this kind of price - one for specific number of years (check last 3 rows in the example above).