Accepts (optional)
pattern | Pattern to match (globbing, like "dom*") |
from |
Start from this item in list |
to |
End by this item |
showstatus |
Returns additional column, showing domain status; may be 0 or 1 |
showgrants |
Returns additional column, showing domain grants; may be 0 or 1 |
showprivacy |
Returns additional columns, showing privacy status; may be 0 or 1 The following columns will be added: privacy-status - shows the currently active privacy status |
List of registered domains and their expiration dates (one per line, separated by whitespace). If "showstatus" is present, the the list will be with three columns, the last one showing domain status (like "lock,autorenew" etc - comma separated).
Requires (mandatory)
domain |
Domain name to register |
period | Registration period in months (not in years!) |
status | Set domain status (only "production" is accepted so far) |
owner-c | Owner contact handle |
billing-c | Billing contact handle |
admin-c | Administrative contact handle |
tech-c | Technical contact handle |
ns-list | List of name servers, delimited by colon |
Accepts (optional)
autorenew | if set to "1", domain will be autorenewed upon expiration |
language |
3 letter language code for IDN domains |
registrar-tag |
Registrar tag, also known as "Membership token", currently only needed for .XXX domains |
privacy |
basic|pro|none - adds whois privacy subscription to domain order, see also Whois Privacy Services |
max-price |
maximum price user is willing to pay for a domain registration, renewal or transfer. If provided, it must be a number (fractions allowed) above 0. If not provided and domain has non-standard pricing, or if max-price is lower than actual domain price at the moment of registration, the request will fail. |
This request allows to register a domain.
You must have registered contacts (handles) to be able to register a domain.(=> contact-create, query-contact-list)
Important: Please note that the registration period is in months, not years. In most cases, this number is a multiple of 12.
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name to renew |
period | renewal period in months (not in years!) |
expyear |
the wanted expiration year (e.g. '2014') |
Accepts (optional)
privacy | basic|pro|none|keep - adds whois privacy subscription to domain renewal | ||
none: explicitly do a renew without privacy services, even if currently privacy is enabled keep: renew with the same level of privacy service which is currently active for the domain see also Whois Privacy Services |
max-price |
With this request you can renew the domain. Please be aware that all renewals are not refundable.
"expyear" is a safety option which can be used instead of "period" to renew domain till specified year (not longer). If you use "period", and by mistake send the request more than once, domain will be renewed again, while with "expyear", it will not be renewed if it's expiration year is greater or equals to specified.
Only one of "period" or "expyear" may be used, but not both.
Please note:
- registration period is in months, not years! In most cases, this number is a multiple of 12.
- to prevent from unintended/errorneous multiple renewals, a specific domain name can only be renewed once per 6 hours. This means, if you want to renew a domain for 2 years, you should use a period of "24" - in case you want to renew using two requests with a period of "12", the 2nd request must not be sent before 6 hours after the 1st one.
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name to modify |
Accepts (optional)
billing-c | domain contact data to modify |
admin-c | |
tech-c | |
ns-list | list of new nameservers delimited by colon ":" (it will replace existing nameservers!) |
registrar-tag |
Registrar tag, also known as "Membership token", currently used for .XXX domains |
dnssec |
if specified, allows setting or removal of DNSSEC keys for domain. If not specified, DNSSEC records will not be changed. Value of "0" will remove DNSSEC, value of "1" will add DNSSEC (and ds-N parameters must be provided) ds-1 list of DNSSEC parameter sets (min. 2, max. 6) for DNSSEC enabled domains |
With this request you can modify
- contact handles
- nameservers
- DNSSEC parameters (for DNSSEC capable nameservers and TLDs supporting DNSSEC)
Please only specify contact handles which you want to modify, all unspecified handles will be left as is.
For DNSSEC, you will find more information here .
Example for adding a key (and enabling DNSSEC):
Example for removing DNSSEC information:
Requires (mandatory)
domain |
domain name to delete |
Accepts (optional)
force |
if present and set to '1', 'Y' or 'Yes', the domain will be deleted even if older than 72 hours. |
With this request you can delete a domain.
If you delete a domain (gTLDs only) within the first 72 hours after the registration, the registration-fee will be refunded to your account.
To delete a domain which is registered for more than 72 hours, you must specify "force=1", otherwise the request will be rejected.
Please note: The number of refundable deletions of domains per month is limited, and depends on the number of domains in a portfolio, and the related TLD registry.
domain | domain name to change the owner of |
name | (optional) full name (if empty, fname + lname will be used) |
fname | first name |
lname | last name |
title | (optional) |
individual | (optional) Y, Yes, N, No |
organization | (optional if individual) |
mailaddress of the contact | |
address-1 | street address |
address-2 | (optional) |
address-3 | (optional) |
city | |
state | (optional) |
postal-code | |
country | ISO country code (2 letters) |
phone | |
extension | (optional) |
fax | (optional) |
lock-opt-out | (optional) yes, no (new IRTP-C: do not apply a 60 days transfer lock to the domain) |
With this request you can change the visible WHOIS owner of a domain.
Either "name" or "lname" and "fname" must be provided. Fields not marked as optional are mandatory, and must not be empty.
For the revised ICANN IRTP-C (change of registrar) policy, please also visit our documentation.
|<your-current-session-id> |
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name to lock |
With this request you can lock a domain to prevent from fraudulent transfer attempts.
If a domain is locked, each transfer-request from a foreign registrar will be declined.
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name to unlock |
With this request you can unlock a domain.
If you want to transfer a domain to a foreign registrar, it has to be unlocked.
Requires (mandatory)
domain | full qualified domain name to transfer to |
transfer-auth-id | AUTH-ID required for all domains except .eu |
owner-c | new owner contact handle to be used for transferred domain |
Accepts (optional) |
admin-c |
new admin contact handle |
tech-c | new tech contact handle |
billing-c | new billing contact handle |
status |
new domain status to be set after transfer (lock, production) |
period |
renewal period in months, not in years! [not in use, please leave empty] |
autorenew |
Autorenew flag for the domain (0 or 1); if not set explicitly, defaults to 1 |
ns-list |
list of colon-separated nameservers |
privacy | basic|pro|none - adds whois privacy subscription to domain transfer, see also Whois Privacy Services |
max-price |
maximum price user is willing to pay for a domain registration, renewal or transfer. If provided, it must be a number (fractions allowed) above 0. If not provided and domain has non-standard pricing, or if max-price is lower than the actual domain price at the moment of registration, the request will fail. |
With this request you can initiate a transfer of the domain from another registrar to
You have to provide a valid AUTH-ID (you have to request this from the current provider of the domain).
Please note:
- please make sure, that there is no so-called 'registry lock' active for the domain to be transferred. Please verify, that the current registrar does not block the domain, resp. deactivates the blocking
- the domain to be transferred must have been active for at least 60 days at the current registrar, otherwise the transfer may fail
- the domain to be transferred must not be object of an active ICANN UDRP dispute procedure
- the domain should have a remaining term of least 7 days, to ensure that the transfer succeeds within the time limits (a maximum of 5 days is granted to confirm or object a transfer). In case the domain has less than 7 days of remaining term, a successful transfer cannot be warranted.
- this procedure will trigger email notifications to the owner and the admin contact of the domain to be transferred (this is following mandatory ICANN transfer provisions)
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name or pattern |
pname | property name |
pvalue | property value (may be empty) |
With this request you can set a property (flag) for a domain or a set of domains, selected by wildcard pattern.
List of available properties and their effects:
autorenew |
0 or 1 If set to 1, the domain will be automatically renewed on expiration (if you have enough funds in your account) |
whois-opt-out |
0 or 1 currently only used for .tel domains; if set to 1, owner information will not be shown in whois |
privacy |
off or basic or pro (if available) |
gdpr-opt-in |
0 or 1 opt-in to display contact data which is normally redacted by GDPR |
If an empty value is provided, then the property will be cleared, i.e. the default will be used.
domain | domain name |
pname | property name (same as in domain-set-property) |
With this request you can query the value of a specific property set for a domain.
It returns a single line, which looks like:
autorenew: 0 |
domain | domain name to get AUTH-ID for |
Retrieves domain's Auth-ID, which is required when transfering domains to another registrar.
This request is not real-time, i.e. you have to check detailed reply (use "result-retrieve") to get the Auth-ID.
Please note:
Every request will generate a new Auth-ID, thus rendering any previously requested Auth-ID invalid.
This request allows to retrieve status information for all pending transfers. Additionally, transfers can be cancelled, or the FOA email can be re-sent.
action One of: list, show, resend-foa, cancel domain Domain name to control transfer of (ignored when action=list)
When action=list, this request returns a list (columns are separated by tabs) of all currently pending transfers:
<domain> <state> <owner-email> <admin-email>
where <state> is one of (listed in "natural" transition order):
IN_DB PAYMENT_PREPARED PAYMENT_ACQUIRED PENDING_FOA_SENDING could not parse the recipient of the FOA. Manual action from is required and happens during office hours, thus in worst case it may take few days (during weekend or holidays). FOA_BEEN_SENT FOA is sent and is waiting for owner's reaction. Owner has 5 days to react, thus the state may last up to 5 days. FOA_NACK FOA is rejected FOA_ACK FOA is accepted REGISTRY_REQUEST_SENT REGISTRY_REQUEST_RECEIVED_NOW_WAITING FOA had been accepted, transfer request is sent and the losing registrar has to release the domain. This state may take up to 5 days, we could do nothing to speed it up. While in this state, transfer may be cancelled by using "action=cancel". REGISTRY_CANCELATION_PENDING The user has requested cancel of domain transfer by using "action=cancel". DOMAIN_WITH_JOKER_PENDING_COMPLETE The domain is actually with, but either we haven’t noticed yet (batch pending) or manual work is necessary. Please contact if this state lasts longer than 1 hour. PAYMENT_COMMITTED TRANSFER_PROCESSED_SUCCESSFULLY
When action=show, the status of a specified domain is returned like:
domain: status: FOA_BEEN_SENT owner_email: admin_email: transfer-id: 123456
When action=resend-foa, FOA will be resent (only possible in state FOA_BEEN_SENT).
When action=cancel, the (pending) transfer will be cancelled.
Status code is 1000 for successful request, or >= 2000 otherwise.
Requires (mandatory)
domain | domain name to check |
Accepts (optional)
check-price | If provided, specifically check the price for: create, renew, transfer, restore |
period |
If provided, price will be calculated based on specified period. Period may be specified in years (values from 1 to 10) or in traditional for DMAPI months (>= 12, must be a multiple of 12). |
language |
Relevant only for IDN domains, specifies language as 2 letter (ISO 639.1) or 3 letter (ISO 639.2) code: |
With this request you can check if a domain is available for registration, and what type of domain pricing will be applied for different types of orders.
Returns one or more lines with key-value pairs as follows:
domain-status: <status>
<status> can be one of:
available | regular domain (non-premium) available for registration |
premium | premium domain available for registration |
unavailable | domain is not available for registration |
- <price> is the final price, i.e. amount that will be deducted from the user's account, considering all discounts, promos etc.
- <currency> is a 3-letter currency code, serves only as information.
- <period> is reported in years and suffixed by "y", like "5y", and it may be different from "period" parameter value (depends on registry), for instance when requested period is not available, too low or too high.
The price reported is valid only for specified period, i.e. if price is 100 for 2 years it does not necessarily mean that price for 1 year is 50, thus it only makes sense to check price for the period which will be used verbatim in subsequent request of specified <type>.
domain-price-promo: <start> <end>
<start> and <end> are ISO timestamps in format like 2019-07-01T00:00:00.000Z
For domains that have promotional pricing, this provides start and end timestamps of promotional period. Usually its mere presence means that promo-pricing is in effect, but to be sure values have to be checked explicitly.
If "domain-status" returned "premium" or "domain-class" returned anything but "standard", then the parameter max-price must be present in register/transfer/renew requests.
Full response example (
domain-status: unavailable
domain-status-reason: blocked
domain-class: standard
domain-price-create: 8.21 USD 1y
domain-price-promo: 2019-09-01T00:00:00.000Z 2019-12-31T23:59:59.000Z